Club Activities & Committees
- Committees are a great way to meet club members and do something to benefit our grey friends!
Volunteering for a committee enables your club to provide canine related fun activities.
• CANINE GOOD CITIZENSHIP TEST: How good a citizen is your grey friend? Assist in conducting one or more tests in the Greater Seattle area for all breeds of dogs.
• FIELD TRIAL: The February trial is open to all pointing breeds. The September trial is generally held Labor Day weekend. Help mainly needed the weekend of the event
• FUN DAY: This is our education day. Its hands on learning about health, obedience, show handling, hunting, retrieving, and much more. Definitely fun!
• FUND RAISING: Generates start-up funds which enable us to host national show and field events. Lots of opportunities for volunteer help soliciting donations, raffles, auctions
• HOSPITALITY: Help provide refreshments at general club meetings when our meetings are not held at a restaurant. Meet and greet people, organize pot-lucks at our various events
• HUNTING TEST: Designed to test the hunting ability of pointing breeds. Learn how to plant birds, gun, and line marshal.
• PERPETUAL TROPHIES/AWARDS: Determine winners of year-end trophies and certificates which members have applied for based on points and achievements.
• SPECIALTY SHOW & OBEDIENCE TRIAL: Held at the yearly show in August for Weimaraners. Entries from neighboring states and Canada. This is an opportunity to meet many new people and help with this classy event.
• WEIMARANER RESCUE: This can be one of the most rewarding committees when you match up a rescued Weimaraner with a loving family.
• WCA RATING TEST: Designed to test the natural ability of our Weimaraners. Help needed in both the field and retrieving tests.
• AGILITY TRIAL: A fun way for our Weimaraners (and all breeds) to demonstrate their agile and versatile nature by maneuvering through a timed obstacle course. This is a great opportunity to meet new people and help out with one of the AKC’s most popular canine competitions.
• TROPHY (All Breed): Club offers trophies for Weimaraners at some all-breed area shows. Involves contacting other clubs to offer a trophy or deliver it the day of the show.
WWWC General Membership meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month. Board meetings are held monthly, usually after the General Membership meeting. Members are invited to attend Board meetings. Our club year is from October through September.